protection warrior macros 4.1

Protection Warrior Talent Tree
World of Warcraft - Protection Warrior.
Macro Formatting Guidelines. Note: With the release of 4.0.1, many spells have been renamed, and much of the scripted command functionality has been modified.
Useful Macros for Warriors - WoWWiki.

Useful macros for warriors - Wowpedia.
This guide contains everything you need to know to be an excellent Protection Warrior in WoW MoP 5.2.
Protection Warrior Build NOTE: There were substantial changes to macros in Cataclsym (Patch 4.0.1 and later). Many spells
Useful macros for paladins - Wowpedia. Warrior builds - WoWWiki - Your guide to. Protection Warrior Macros
protection warrior macros 4.1
Protection Warrior Tank Guide (WoW MoP.
thats the OSM i use now u dont have to have colossus smash and heroic strike in yours but i hope that this helps! #showtooltip colossus smash /cast
A guide on the Protection Warrior sub-tree in the World of Warcraft. This guide gives an in-depth detail on Talents, Itemization, and Rotation. Here are